Adventures In Mail Order - Instant $10.00 Dealership
As an AMO Dealer, You Get Paid First!
Adventures in Mail Order is an Online Only Newsletter with 6 issues per year, even months on the 5th day of the month.
Welcome new dealer,
1. Print out the Adventure In Mail Order Full Page Circular (print from the link below) or Sheet of 2 inch ads (coming soon)
2. Place your name and address in the space provided.
3. If advertising the circular, white out the phrase in the upper right corner (For instructions and prime source:
4. Advertise the circular as you normally would.
5. You can send multiple orders to the prime source in one envelope, just be sure to include the order slip and cash for all orders.
6. You are to send the Prime Source $10.00 cash per sale that you made along with the customers name, address and email address.
Note: if the customer didn't send an email address, simply forward the $10.00 cash, and their name and address to the prime source, who will handle the matter on your behalf.
7. There are no refunds, returns, or exchanges possible with this offer as funds are split between the Prime Source and Dealers.
8. As an independent contractor, you are responsible for keeping up with your earnings and tax liabilities.
9. If you require assistance, you can send an email to: (subject: AMO) and your question. Please allow up to 1 week for a reply.
10. the Prime Source is: Billy Manus, 3010 Gentle St, Fort Worth, TX 76140
11. Other compensation: After the prime source has received your first sale, you will be sent mailed a to download 1-gb Information Products and a link to download the Adventures in Mail Order Newsletters.
Click below to download and print:
AMO 2-inch Ad (coming soon)
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